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Be A Change You Want to See in the System.

You all must be knowing that Gandhiji have said the title of today’s article .It is not like that we are not having capacity to do any work but its like we are not having motivation to do something.

From the history we all know that maximum all the leaders were not born leader .They were transformed into leader.How they were transformed into unstoppable  …? It was all a moment from which they transformed.They could not tolerate the injustice or the condition which was they facing and suddenly a voice came from their heart ,”I must have to change this” .This moment made them unstoppable leaders.

One of the very famous example of this is Gandhiji. When.When we was travelling south Africa in 1st class coach in train .He was thrown out of the coach even though he was having ticket.It was because ,he was Indian. He could not tolerate this and started a movement against english man and rest is the history.

Today’s article is a story of Dashrath Manjhi  who moved mountain by own effort.No support from the community,community was just making fun him.

now here it goes,

Dashrath Manjhi :Might be many of you knowing him as once he has appeared in satyamev jayate.He is popularly known as  the mountain man.It’s said that man’s courage can move montains.It’s true for Dashrath Manjhi.You can read more about him from here and watch a below given video

How to Get Internship..?

In yesterday’s article I had written about how to prepare your self to grab the job..if you have not read it yet than you can read it from here.

As in the yesterday’s article I had promised that I will be writing here some of the ways by which you can get internship,hope you like it and it might be useful to you in career beginning ….

1st I would suggest you to make sure what is your interest and in which field you want to make career ,once it’s known half the battle is won . keep your self updating as per the industry news.

  1. There are plenty of the website from which you can get internship..all you need to do is just google search.some of them are,
  2. Do visit company’s website of your field .Most of the websites have career option ,click on it and study nicely that what they are asking.
  3. Be in touch with your college’s alumni and ask how you get internship.
  4. send your resume to hr department and talk with them.

Bonus Tip

If you can not get internship in your desired industry than try to get in any of the NGO .By working in NGO you will be going to see how an organization works and if you are lucky enough than you might get chance to get execute any of the project by your own.

I will also suggest you to read this article click here

Hope you liked the article.Please do like and share.

Thank you

Prepare Your Self to Grab the Job

In the previous articles I have written about 7 Reasons Why You should do internship and also shared one of the internship experience from an IITian which you can read from here.In today’s article I will be sharing my experience what i learnt by witnessing  campus placement at  IIT-Kharagpur.

1st thing is that our resume should not merely contain our degree (ME,BE,HSC,SSC) apart from that you should have some internship experience which will give you edge over others.Talking about specially AeSIians  ,I felt that we had wasted so much time as we have a very good flexibility as compared to regular BE students.

An average AeSI student takes 5 to 7 years to complete the degree ,if in every exam he takes internship in any of the organization depending upon his/her interest than it would be very fruitful in the long run.

Just consider ,there is a one guy with just degrees and there is another guy with degrees and internship ,whom will you give the job.

One most important tip to prepare our self for the job is that we should think as an employer that what skills should have employee and we have to prepare our self in accordance to it.

In the next article I will be writing about how to get the internship.

Hope you are enjoying reading my blog.

Please do share your thoughts and experiences.


Mind Your Mind

In Mahabharata once Duryodhana says,”I know what is good but I can not follow it and I know what is bad but I can not leave it.”

Don’t you think that it’s a same story of hours…?

Our mind is like the water…If we don’t allow fresh thought to come in our mind than gradually it will get spoiled like a dirty water of lake but if we continuously allow fresh thoughts (good) than its will be like river’s water.

one of the most effective tip to have command over mind is to do opposing to it….

If it says you keep watching youtube or keep scrolling on facebook than all we have to do is to engage our self in some creative work or which is really worthful.

In tomorrow’s post I will be sharing with you tips for MIND YOUR MIND.

Thanks for reading.

Power of Words

Our minds works on the principle of GIGO which means

Good in ,Good out

Garbage in ,Garbage our

What word goes in our mind have the depth effect in our life style .

Our action is ultimately the result of what we had read,with whom we have talked,what we are seeing on the TV or net..becoz this are the major ways by which word enters in our mind.

Some time before I had read a book named MONK WHO SOLD HIS FERARI by ROBIN SHARMA ,he had mentioned very nice line  that

An average person gets 60000 thoughts in a day and 90 % of which are the previous days thought.

To be good , all we have to do is to give good input.

If you see some one passing through the bad phase of his/her life,just say him/her that you believe that “they soon will overcome”  this will give them strength to fight with the condition.

When I was struggling with my  graduation study ,I used to listen inspirational song in early morning which gave me power to study whole day which a power of words only.

Below I am putting one video which shows excellently power of word

If you have something to share about it .please comment

Internship Experience By An IITian.

In the last article I had written  about 7 Reasons Why You Should do Internship which you can read from here .Some days before I was just surfing Facebook and I got a very nice article from Facebook page Inside IIT  about the internship which was Submitted by Tapobrata Behera, IIT Kharagpur.

Below I am sharing that article,

I hope you will like that

Internships are the craze of the moment. One of my seniors said that it is always advisable to utilize each and every vacation of your college life and do something noteworthy for your CV! So I also asked my dad to liaison with his friends and ultimately I got a winter training at one of the steel plants. It was the first day of my 4 week vocational training and my dad introduced me to my mentor. After exchanging the pleasantries with my mentor, he asked me to follow him. First we were supposed to visit the STEEL MELTING SHOP.

“So, you are from which college?” he asked me while typing a reply on his smart-phone.
“IIT-KGP sir,” I replied with a sense of pride.
“That’s really nice. Which branch do you belong to?” He asked, looking into my eyes with a sense of admiration.
“I belong to metallurgy department, what about you sir?” I asked him.
“I am also from metallurgy department, IIT Madras. By the way, we have reached the STEEL MELTING SHOP.”

He then showed me the huge furnaces, flow of molten metal and started explaining them briefly to me. After that I asked him a few inquisitive questions . He was able to answer almost all of them and I had started to admire him for his knowledge . After that we both went to a canteen as my mentor had not taken his breakfast and wanted me to accompany him for the same. The following conversation took place after he came ordering his dosa and coffee and sat in front of me.

“The entire process is so fascinating. It must be quite some fun working out there?” I asked him, and my mentor could read the exuberance on my face.
“Yes .. the process is very fascinating. But do you know .. I never enjoyed to learn all this facts and stats which I was telling you. Aeroplanes used to enthrall me a lot in my childhood days and I had made up my mind that one day I will design and develop new aerodynamic models. However, as you know, in IIT you don’t select the branch, THE BRANCH SELECTS YOU (based on your rank). And similarly I had to settle for Metallurgy. A senior there, introduced me to the concept of department change. I used to think that maybe we have to develop a project on a topic of our desired branch and I used to spend all my time reading and collecting data about the various aerodynamic models. It gave me immense pleasure and filled me with joy when I understood how exactly planes like BOEING 747 and Fighter Jets function. By the time I came to know that branch change was related only to the “PERFORMANCE IN SUBJECTS OF FIRST SEMESTER” all my dreams were shattered. Thereafter my grades suffered terribly . Do you know why did that happen?” He asked me, stirring his coffee with a spoon.

“I am really sorry to hear that, sir. And no sir, I don’t know.” I replied and was anticipating a pretty stark reality by now.

“Right from my first semester, I rarely enjoyed the courses. A few courses were interesting, but I was all the more interested in learning about the working mechanism of an aeroplane. I used to miss majority of my classes, not because of my dedication to aerospace engineering, but because I could never really make sense why a few courses were being taught to us. I thus ended up with 1 F grade in my first semester and that ended my chances of securing a branch change. I was occasionally reprimanded at home for my grades. My parents never realised that AERONAUTICS was my forte. In the subsequent years , I had to give up on all of this as I was closing on a very poor CGPA and was thus left with the inevitable task of studying hard to score an acceptable CGPA.

Study, because if you don’t, you won’t be able to able to earn your bread and butter, and in doing so I sacrificed the thing which meant so much to me and which, according to me, was the only reason of my existence in IIT. And now you see, I am here before you, stating you all the facts and data which don’t really mean much to me. It was only that “BREAD AND BUTTER” phrase which caused to me give up on my passion. Your survival is thus inextricably linked with your CGPA not with your passion in IIT. I really wish something could be done to remedy this crisis. What is your CGPA at the end of first year by the way?” He asked with me, with a dry smile on his face.

“Umm.. I think we are done with the coffee and dosa. Maybe we should go and checkout the other departments?” was my reply and we both got up to visit the other departments.
Submitted by Tapobrata Behera, IIT Kharagpur

Follow me on facebook from here.

Please do share with us your internship experience if you have any.

Thanks for reading.

7 Reasons Why You Should do Internship…

How can a person get a job since There is a huge gap between academics and industry ..?

We have syllabus which is almost half century old and this industry is at latest technology than how we are capable for its job..?

What we shall do to fill gap between academics and industry ..?

Answer of all above question is to do internship.

What is internship …?

if we look at Wikipedia than it states as An internship is a job training for white-collar and professional careers. Internships for professional careers are similar in some ways to apprenticeships for trade and vocational jobs, but the lack of standardization and oversight leaves the term open to broad interpretation.

which means that you can have insight of an industry by having internship. 

As a fresher it will be a added point to as compared to others when it comes to a point of job searching.

There are many advantages of having internship which you get read from here .But to be brief i will summarize that article bellow 

  • Gain work experience and transferable skills 
  • possibly earn money
  • Be able to experience a prospective career path
  • Gain practical experience
  • network with professionals in your field for reference and future job opportunities .
  • Develop new skills and refine others
  • Gain confidence in your abilities.

More I will be sharing in the next articles .

Please do share your thoughts and experience about internship in comment section.

Hope you had liked it.

Thanks for reading


As I am having marriage in near future ,I was looking for TAHUKO(one or two liners which is mentioned at the bottom of Gujarati invitation card normally mentioning kids name) and I thought that it would be a good idea if I put all the tahukas at the same place.

I hope that you will like this,

ગુજરાતી ટહુકો – લગ્ન કંકોત્રી


સ્નેહ ના સંબંધ નું વાવેતર થશે

જીવન નો અમૂલ્ય પ્રસંગ બનશે

ત્રણેય લોકો માં શરણાઈ  ગુંજશે

પણ તમારા વગર કોઈ કમી રહી જશે

તો મારા ભાઈ ના લગન માં જરૂર પધારસો

વાગશે ઢોલ ને શરણાઈ ની ના સુર રેલાશે,

કરીશું પ્રેમ ના રંગો ની રંગોળી અને સંબંધ બંધાશે

રડીયામ્લી રાતે, સંગીત ના તળે રમસુ રાસે

આવો પધારો અમારા આંગણે,તમારા થી જ અમારી શોભા થશે

વાટ જોતા હતા જે ઘડી ની એ શુભ પલ આવી છે

ઘણી બધી વાતો છે દિલ મા , તમને કેહવી છે

આવો મળી ને આ ઉલ્લાસ ના પ્રસંગ ને માણીએ

પ્રેમ ભર્યા નિશ્વાર્થ હૃદય થી વાર વધુ ને વધાવીએ

મીઠા મધુર એવા લગ્ન ના પ્રસંગ મા

સ્નેહ ના રંગો થી રંગોળી પૂરાવ જો

કુમકુમ કેરા સાથીયા બનશે અમારા અંગના માં

અપનો કીમતી સમય ફાળવી જરૂર ને જરૂર આવજો

અમારા પરિવાર માં આવ્યો આજ રૂડો અવસર

પધારજો તમે નહીતો રહી જશે દિલ માં કોઈ કસર

તમારા પ્રેમ અને આશીર્વાદ ની અનેરી રહેશે અસર

રાહ જોઈશું અમે કે તમે આવો ને દૂધ માં ભલે કેસર

મંગલ ફેરા વાર વધુ ના પુષ્પો થી વધાવીશું

ગીત, ઢોલ અને શરણાઈ થી મધુર સુર રેડાવીશું

ઉપસ્થિતિ હશે આપ વડીલો , સ્નેહી-સંબંધી, મિત્રો ની

જેનાથી આ સુભ પ્રસંગ ને અવિશ્માંર્નીયા બનાવીશું

દીવડાઓ પ્રગટાવી રાખ્યા છે આપ ની રાહમાં અત્યારે

હૃદય અધીરા બની  રહ્યા છે આપ ની વાટ પર

લગ્ન નો સુભ મંગલ પ્રસંગ આવ્યો છે અત્યારે

મિત માંડી ને બેઠા છીએ અમે આપ ના આગમન પર

ચંદ સિતારા ની રોનક પણ અમને આછી લાગશે

તમારા થી જ તો અમારા પ્રસંગ ની સોભા વધશે

ખુબ ભાવ થી લખી છે તમને આજ કંકોત્રી

વાહલા ને વિનંતી છે, તમે આવો તો ખીશીઓ ની રમઝટ જામશે

શીતલતા ચંદ્રમાં થી અને મધુરતા ગુલાબ ની લઇ ને

સ્નેહી તમને નિમંત્રણ છે વિશેશ કરી ને

વિનંતી કરીએ છીએ સહ પરિવાર કર જોડી ને

આવો સૌ માનીએ પ્રસંગ અનેરો સૌ સાથે મળી ને

પ્રસંગ છે અમારા કુળદીપક ના સુભ લગ્ન એવો

વિવકે ભર્યો ભાવ કરીએ છીએ પ્રગટ,સહ પરિવાર કેવો

બનશે આપ ની ઉપસ્થાતી અમારે મન , વહાલ ના સાગર જેવો

વેહલા પધારો જરૂર થી, આગ્રહ રેહશે તમને અમારો એવો

For the above given tahuko source is here

5 Master Tips for Effective Interview

“Interview” by listening this word many of us get scared….Aren’t you…?

Interview is not a only one way process .It’s a two way process…There is nothing to get scared ..its just like a formal talk which we have to do with official person.

It’s does not matter weather you are having interview for job ,for relation ship or for anything but there are several things which holds good for all.

So here it goes,

  1. Before going to interview make some homework .in case you are going for job interview have a look on company website,if it is for relation than look on social media sites this will give you many idea about the insight of the person/organization.
  2. 1st check it out what you had mentioned in your resume ,CV or bio data. maximum of the question will be asked from that be confident what you are providing .
  3. Don’t only just listen and answer .Take active part in the conversation .It’s not like that you have to satisfy their criteria but your should also be comfortable with the way they work.the way they treat their employees .ask about anything whatever you want to know .If you ask question based upon your research ,they will feel that you are really very serious as well as interested and you got a plus point over other candidates.
  4. after having interview thank them honestly .
  5. send them a hand written thank you note and also do mention that what you like the most in conversation .

If you have any other tips than please share with us in comment section.

Thanks for reading.

Don’t escape it… A tip from Chennai Express

Best way to escape from your problem is to face them.-Shah rukh khan in CHENNAI EXPRESS.

Yes ,its indeed true…

I had seen many students in AeSI who drop the subject once they failed in it and excuse they make is ,YAAR BAAR BAAR EK HI EK CHIJ PADHAKE PAK GAYA HU (i am bored by reading same and same things) but the fact is that they are escaping from that subject .

In my case whenever i had anysubject back i took it as a challenge and prepare in such a way that however hard the exam paper may come, i should not get less than 50 .at this time you have all ready basic concept of the subject .you just have to make it strong and on that u can easily can make the strong building so u can score in that subject .

In case suppose you had dropped that subject than u have to clear it at the end of ur section A or B .By the time you allready had forgotten your concepts so u need to study them again and grasp it.

My many of friends had written single paper for almost 4 to 8 times and they are now doing well and pursuing their masters from NITs/IITs.

You too can do it but don’t escape from papers and face them.

NOTE: dar sabko lagata hai lekin dar ke aage jit hai…


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