Author Archive: Pritesh Modi

Wisdom with PM Modi-7


Wisdom with PM Modi-6


Wisdom with PM Modi-5

My wife is having her M.Com. exam nowadays and we were discussing some stuffs about exam .She said me one quote which I thought to share with you all.

Normally you have WISDOM WITH PM MODI but today it’s WISDOM WITH PM MODI’S WIFE


Wisdom with PM Modi-4


Are We Human..?

2 minutes before I came to a video through facebook named  ” AStreetDog’sLife” .In that video a camera is tied to the dog’s neck ,from that we can see that how badly it get treated….

By looking that video ,I got one question in my heart…


I just have to say one thing.This world does not belong to only us…it’s to share with every living entity …give love ,not hatred.

Watch below given video and give your answer in comment.

Wisdom with PM Modi-3


Wisdom with PM Modi-2


Be A Change You Want to See in the System.

You all must be knowing that Gandhiji have said the title of today’s article .It is not like that we are not having capacity to do any work but its like we are not having motivation to do something.

From the history we all know that maximum all the leaders were not born leader .They were transformed into leader.How they were transformed into unstoppable  …? It was all a moment from which they transformed.They could not tolerate the injustice or the condition which was they facing and suddenly a voice came from their heart ,”I must have to change this” .This moment made them unstoppable leaders.

One of the very famous example of this is Gandhiji. When.When we was travelling south Africa in 1st class coach in train .He was thrown out of the coach even though he was having ticket.It was because ,he was Indian. He could not tolerate this and started a movement against english man and rest is the history.

Today’s article is a story of Dashrath Manjhi  who moved mountain by own effort.No support from the community,community was just making fun him.

now here it goes,

Dashrath Manjhi :Might be many of you knowing him as once he has appeared in satyamev jayate.He is popularly known as  the mountain man.It’s said that man’s courage can move montains.It’s true for Dashrath Manjhi.You can read more about him from here and watch a below given video

IIT kharagpur Pics

From last couple of days atmosphere at IIT kharagpur has changed a lost.Just three days before it was raining along with ice. i have seen a very different kind of clouds.

In this post will be just sharing IIT kharagpur’s pic with you all…Hope you will love it






Say No To Excuses

Our limitations are created the input which our mind it getting.Most of the time its not outer world which gives negativity towards us  but we are equally a part of that for feeding negativity to own self.

It’s very common to say like

I can’t wake up early in the morning,

I can’t do exercise .

I cant eat that as i dont like it

And the list goes on.Like in engineering there is a term inertia which means every person or thing would like to be in a same position in which it is existing.If a wheel is running and you are stopping to it than it will oppose your efforts.similarly we human beings behave ,for it all we need is come after safe zone.

Our success and failure depends upon what we think and how we react to the condition .

just see a below given pic and say what would u like ….


above was the success story without one leg and now watch this below given video and see how a dog with only two legs has become a source of inspiration to many human being


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