Tag Archives: inspiration

Say No To Excuses

Our limitations are created the input which our mind it getting.Most of the time its not outer world which gives negativity towards us  but we are equally a part of that for feeding negativity to own self.

It’s very common to say like

I can’t wake up early in the morning,

I can’t do exercise .

I cant eat that as i dont like it

And the list goes on.Like in engineering there is a term inertia which means every person or thing would like to be in a same position in which it is existing.If a wheel is running and you are stopping to it than it will oppose your efforts.similarly we human beings behave ,for it all we need is come after safe zone.

Our success and failure depends upon what we think and how we react to the condition .

just see a below given pic and say what would u like ….


above was the success story without one leg and now watch this below given video and see how a dog with only two legs has become a source of inspiration to many human being


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